Dr Ken Goss, (D. Clin. Psy), is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Head of Coventry Eating Disorders Service in the UK.
Ken has over 25 years’ experience of working with people with eating difficulties.
He has published a number of academic papers and book chapters on the role of shame and compassion in eating disorders.
He leads an on-going research programme exploring these issues and their relationship with therapeutic practice and outcomes.
Ken is a regular speaker at national and international conferences,and teaches on several Clinical Psychology Training Courses. He has worked closely with Professor Paul Gilbert (OBE), the originator of Compassion Focused Therapy, for over 20 years. He is a Board Member of, and trainer for, the Compassionate Mind Foundation (www.compassionatemind.co.uk).
Ken has pioneered the use of Compassion Focused Therapy for Eating Disorders (CFT-E). This treatment program was the subject of an 8 year audit of outcome, which indicated it is an effective treatment for addressing eating disorder symptoms, reducing shame and self-criticism, and developing self-compassion. He currently trains and supervises several NHS specialist eating disorder services in CFT-E.
Ken is the author of The Compassionate Mind-Guide to Ending Overeating: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Overcome Bingeing & Disordered Eating (New Harbinger Publications, 2011). This is the first book to outline the CFT approach to disordered eating, and it is currently being evaluated for its clinical efficacy as a guided self-help program.
Ken Goss