Andrea Pagani, ICEEFT certified EFT trainer, supervisor and therapist.
Co-Founder of the EFT Italy community. Psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor. President and Founder of the Institute "La Casa della Coppia". Lecturer at the ASPIC School of Specialization in Integrated Humanistic Psychotherapy. He carries out training and supervision in EFT in parallel with his clinical activity. He has been working in the field of psychotherapy for about twenty five years, dealing with couples, individual therapy and leading experiential groups. Aspicarsa researcher, carries out research in the field of psychotherapy for couples and in the use of technology in the psychological clinic. He published with the Sovera publishing house "Professional success 2.0" (2012); “Psychological Counseling” (2014); “The couple's house” (2017). In addition, he has published numerous articles in scientific and popular magazines, speaking on radio and television on the subject of the couple. He also designed and developed the first Italian smartphone App linked to the couple "Growing together as a couple". He edited the Italian editions of Sue Johnson's books "Stringimi forte" (Cortina, 2022), and "Guida alla terapia individuale focalizzata sulle emozioni" (Franco Angeli, 2023).