
Wai Yung Lee

Dr. Wai-Yung Lee, Ph.D., AAMFT Approved Supervisor, is the Clinical Director of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy, the Aitia Family Institute in Shanghai, and Faculty Member of the Minuchin Center for the Family in New York, USA. With extensive experience working in Toronto and New York, Dr. Lee is currently based in Hong Kong, where she is dedicated to training and clinical research for the Asian family therapy community. She is the founding director of the HKU Family Institute and the Founding President of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy. In 2014, she received the American Family Therapy Academy’s Distinguished Contribution to Family Therapy Theory and Practice Award for her groundbreaking family assessment protocol, which can be applied to children with mental health issues, including those in divorced and trans-generational families.

Dr. Lee has co-authored two books with Salvador Minuchin, "Mastering Family Therapy – Journeys of Growth and Transformation" (first and second editions) and "Assessing Families and Couples – From Symptom to System." Her presentation is based on her published journal articles, including “Working Transgenerationally: A Clinical Discussion on Family Dynamics and Treatment” in the Journal of Family Therapy, “An Unexplored Subsystem—Young Children as Healers: Dialogue With Sal Minuchin” in the Journal of Systemic Therapies, and “Capturing Children’s Response to Parental Conflict and Making Use of It” in Family Process.