
Clara Mucci

Clara Mucci is a Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Bergamo and a psychoanalyst. 


After graduating in Languages he obtained a PhD in English Literature and Psychoanalysis at Emory University (Atlanta, USA);  a PhD in Anglistics (University of Genoa); a five-year degree in Clinical Psychology (University of Chieti) and a specialization in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the SIPP (Italian Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic Society) in Milan. She is an associate member of SIPP and supervisor at the Italian Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic Society “Sandor Ferenczi”, part of the International Network “Sandor Ferenczi”.

She obtained her specialization with a one-semester internship at the Institute for Personality Disorders in New York directed by Otto Kernberg.

She also obtained reliability for coding the Adult Attachment Interview (at the school Main and Hesse, California) and the Reflective Functioning (under the guidance of Howard Steele from the New School for Social Research).

She taught in London at the Polytechnic of Central London - now Westminster College - at the Emory University of Atlanta, and  Hunter College of New York; moreover she was Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (New York) and the New School for Social Research (New York).

In addition to five monographs on Shakespeare and Theory of Literature, writing on psychoanalysis she published Trauma e Perdono, (Cortina 2014) and Borderline Bodies; Affect Regulation Therapy for Personality Disorders (2018), translated and edited by Cortina as Corpi Borderline; Regolazione affettiva e clinica dei disturbi di personalità (2020); and the volume Resilience and Survival: Understanding and Healing Intergenerational Trauma that will be published by Confer Publications, London (2022).